Monday, March 5, 2012

Let's Do Battle Violently?WITH SCIENCE!!


WARNING!: This Role Play Contains SCIENCE!?Weird Science. Science that does not follow many of the real life laws of science. But hell, it's still gonna use some pretty cool SCIENCE!




In These years of the future, a High School will rise. This school is known as Jikkenjuku (Experiments' School). The reason its called this is because it was chosen for the most bizarre, confidential reasons as the testing grounds for three main things:


Genetic Augmentation: Students Will Manipulate their DNA to do god knows what, gaining powers, shapeshifting, and other such things you could only imagine.

Prototype Devices and Weapons: These are no ordinary gadgets: we've got phones with built in grappling guns, hairspray that detects hazardous gasses and liquids that you otherwise couldn't see, among other things. Weapons are also wild and strange, like double barrel shotguns that pack electrically charged shells, vacuum cleaners that can suck up people and fire them as projectiles, and more. These tools of various uses are almost NEVER normal. The Security Team is probably the most normal, packing Flamethrowers, grenades, and rocket launchers. Oh right, don't screw with them! :D ... weapon.jpg

Meta-Human Observation: We send people born with crazy powers to this school to study them. They probably hate us for stealing them from their families, but they were probably being bullied back home for being a 'Freak.' So THANK US YOU LITTLE SHI- I mean, uh, practice your gifts in peace, all will go well!

The people in charge of this, The In-Tech Corp., encourages open usage of devices and powers, fighting other students with those things, abusing those powers (using them to your advantage, etc), upgrading them to become even stronger, you get the picture. Along the way, they tend to try and utilize the ones they deem useful, kill off the ones they think are liabilities, and god knows what else, the primary fate in store for most being a painful, slow death. That is, unless you're a bad enough Dude/Dude-ette to survive, and defeat anyone who opposes you, while going for the great goal of obliterating In-Tech, and escaping Jikkenjuku.

Hah. Hah Hah. Hah. Good luck with that. The road to escape is paved with your fellow, super powered students likely armed with psychic powers, physical enhancements that allow them to achieve inhuman feats, Above that, they're also armed with dangerous weapons that are not only high power and taking advantage of new combat methods, but are highly unstable, and likely to malfunction, most notably in fiery explosions, damaging the user, or doing more than just the intended effect to the target. The possibilities of how you may meet your end are?endless!

So yeah: I'd start catching up on classes and plotting a way to get the hell out. Things don't seem to be looking very good?



Mutants: Mutants are usually people who harshly forced genetic augmentation on their bodies rather than having the powers to begin with, and as a result, mutated their internal systems. They're well known for being violent delinquents who misuse their powers for their own personal benefits. They do however, refrain from listening to the In-Tech Corp. and Jikkenjuku's orders in order to spread Anarchy and madness. They usually have a body deformity of some sort. (Ex. A Blade for an arm, a tail, extra fingers, etc). They rely mostly on their powers, carrying few weapons.

The Evolved: People who naturally gain abilities, and often the cleanest of the bunch. They have absolutely no deformities on their bodies, and tend to harness their powers the best. Few of these tend to be in the school, the gift of being a Metahuman almost impossible in normal people from the normal gene pool...

The Elite: An opposite of the Mutants. They more carefully implemented genetic augmentation and have the most weapons and support because they listen to In-Tech and Jikkenjuku superiors. They hope to eliminate mutants and seek out the Evolved, who they regard as gods and goddesses. Should the Evolved deny them, they will name the 'bastards' and 'bitches' as the number one priorities in terms of who to kill.

Class Types:

Power Player- Gladiator: You know how to use your powers, and you use them well. Primarily the ones good for combat.

Weapons Master: These strange prototype weapons may be alien to others, but you've got them down in terms of use better than anyone!

Power Player- User: Your Powers or gadgets aren't as combat oriented. But they're really useful. This is like having a support skill as your main power! Woohoo!


Support skills- (Bonus skills to go with any powers/weapons/etc you have. You may only have one per character.)

Docs'/Nurses: People who know how to analyze the body's genetics. They can often keep one's genes in top fighting condition, maintain health, and that sort of thing. Yeah, basically they're like White Mages, and they're the only means of gaining new abilities.

Mechanics: If you're good with your hands, you prefer to work with the tech and firepower. Your creativity is as boundless as the men who created the first double barrel 'shockgun' or the Laser Hammer, putting components together to create and upgrade weapons when no one else can.

Compatibility: Your powers and gear can tag team with others. Literally. I mean, no matter what you have, you can find a way to use them with others for devastating results.


Powers Available to All Characters: Doesn't matter what you are, you get this stuff, and FREE!

Mag-Force: Energy found in the genes of all who don't have normal genes. It appears as a green light which can pick up objects, even people, if you blast them beforehand and fill them up with electrons, and make them susceptible to your force.

The Mag-Force can also be fired in wavy beams as an attack. If two beams meet at once, a struggle of sorts occurs, and the area begins to distort for the worst?Yeah, try to get this done fast. And preferably win.

Insane Agility: Most everyone has insane amounts of agility, and can jump dozens of feet into the air.

Special Moves: Fun little things that utilize one's powers into a special technique to annihilate your opponents!


Starting Slots: I want these first two roles before anyone else. They're sort of like 'main characters.'

1) The Willpower Warrior (JayZeroSnake)

An Evolved who, despite being a loser, is the 'adorkable' type. Even if he loses a fight, his spirit is undying. He loves the 'Fallen Queen' dearly, believing she seriously likes him. He'd practically put his life on the line for her...

2) The Fallen Queen

A Former popular girl turned Hipster. Along with a cool, relaxed personality, She majored in the (Support Skill) Of Being a Nurse, and hangs with the 'Willpower Warrior' as his girlfriend so he'll protect her from the Elites and the Mutants. Little does she know, she's actually falling for him...


slavoj zizek adam savage adam savage mos def jack o lantern jack o lantern dave thomas

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