Friday, August 10, 2012

Dwell on Joy: An Unconventional Baby Shower

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I am spoiled. All five of my brothers AND my parents live in the same metropolitan area as I do. Sadly, that's not the case on my husband's side of the family. We live in all parts of the country and only become centrally located within the walls of my in-laws come holidays and on summer break. {Which is never enough!}

My west coast sister-in-law?is expecting. Bummer is that she is not able to make it back to the Midwest for a baby shower! Bonus is that I'm going to go see her and that beautiful part of the country she calls home sometime soon!?

We all know how helpful wedding and baby showers are for life's greatest events. It not only celebrates these milestones, but helps with the great expenses that come with co-habitation and new arrivals. Well, I wasn't about to let our West Coaster go into labor without a baby shower! ?Maybe you too know someone out of state, or out of the country that is in need of that affirmation & love! ?Here's an idea on how to shower your special someone {or two!}

I used Vistaprint for our family's Christmas card last year. I loved how they turned out, so I went back to them for the party invitations. {I also love the Tiny Prints brand at} ?Once I had my design, I made a little poem to introduce "attendees" {using quotes because they aren't actually attending anything!} to the concept of our unconventional baby shower:

"The lovely new Mommy-to-be

Lives on the West Coast you see.?

And though we'd prefer to have her here,

We've got to shower her with love out there!

When you receive this invitation,

{to help us build their nursery foundation}

pick up a little something for their baby,?

and mail it to this special lady."

Here's what I wrote on the back of the invitation:

How this unconventional baby shower works:

Invitations are being sent out to "attendees" every couple of days, starting {insert date.} Within one week of receiving this note, please send your "little something" to {insert Mom-to-be's name.} The result? A shower of love for the Mom-to-be over the next two months as her {insert due date} due date approaches!

{Mom-to-be's address}

Questions? Please call {insert "hosts" name, phone, & address}

Baby {insert gender} is registered at {insert registry names}

The week before the first invitation went out, it was time to let her?in on our little secret. I sent her a box with two "packages" in them. The first was unwrapped and it's purpose was to let her in on the fun. I wrapped up some cute baby shower plates & napkins; and included two packages of blank baby thank you notes to prepare her for what's to come! I tied it off with ribbon and?attached?a copy of the invitation which will explain to her and her hubs what we are up to!

The second package was wrapped up and contained the baby blanket & burp cloths I made for her! The?tutorial will be linked here?when complete. I also included a book that is too perfect for my favorite vegetarian and garden lover!

I stacked them, packed them, and our unconventional baby shower is officially kicked off! She's such a special gal and I just know she's going to be feeling the love of her friends and family, even though we are further than an arm's length away to give her those hugs I know she needs!

{P.S. I realize that this type of shower may not be for everyone. Recently one morning, I woke up to receive a bunch of hurtful comments regarding the original posting of this idea. If it isn't your style, I understand, but please simply pass by. ?After I deleted the original, I received a few emails asking for the original post, so I am re-posting this Unconventional Baby Shower with this in mind. Click on the link to have a look.}


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