And how it can ruin your life.
That?s the headline of an email that I received from Dr. John McDougall recently. He?s referring to how our money-driven medical industry has successfully convinced the majority of Americans that prevention means early detection, and we accomplish that by screening every single person?repeatedly.
A near-opitmal plant-based diet is the most powerful cancer-prevention methodology known to humankind.
But repeated screenings and early detection are not prevention. They are the primary vehicles for recruiting cancer treatment customers. Then comes the anguish, the pain and the suffering as the patient undergoes costly treatment that is all directed at the symptoms?none of it addresses the causal factors.
The message from Dr. McDougall was all about his February Advanced Study Weekend which is already sold out. He writes:
?Dr. H. Gilbert Welch, MD, the world?s expert on the ?over-diagnosis of cancer,? has published within the past year life-saving articles in the?Archives of Internal Medicine?and the?New England Journal Of Medicine?that could save you and your spouse from unnecessary painful tests and debilitating treatments.? (See links below my signature)
Dr. John McDougall, one of the five MD's featured in our book, the five who provided the "common ground" foundation for our 4-Leaf Program
Like colonoscopies to screen for colon cancer, everything is based on the risk of developing the disease and dying from it. In an earlier post (see below)?about Dr. Oz, I talked about the $50 billion business of screening, just for colon cancer?a disease that carries a 7% likelihood of causing your death.
Oz shares colon story; ?cancer screening $$ business? gets?bigger
But what if that risk was lowered to one half of one percent? Do you think we?d still have a $50 billion business to screen for it. Would you go repeatedly for screenings if the risk of dying from the disease was 1/2 of one percent, 1 person out of 200? I wouldn?t and I don?t.
As a matter of fact, I stopped having any screenings about nine years ago when I first discovered the power of plant-based nutrition. And after ?almost a decade of eating a near optimal diet, I have concluded that my risk of cancer is not worth taking the risk of being harmed during a screening procedure or a treatment regimen. Dr. Mcdougall seems to agree.
Here?s what he has to say about cancer and diet.
The bottom line. Screening is not prevention. Eating a whole foods, plant-based diet is the single most powerful preventative method that we have for prevention of all chronic diseases.
Yet, we don?t teach much about that method in medical schools and there is no money to be made by everyone getting healthy. For a ton of information on this topic and many others, visit Dr. McDougall?s site at Here are a few other of my posts on the topic of cancer:
Drugs for preventing cancer ? now everyone can be a?customer!
Carolyn?s cancer story ? it could save your?life?
Screening for cancer?a very big?business
Want to receive some occasional special news from us? You may wish to?join our periodic mailing list.?Also, for help in your own quest to take charge of your health, you might find some useful information at our?4Leaf page.
J. Morris Hicks, working daily to promote health, hope and harmony on planet Earth.
And if you like what 4Leaf eating is doing for you and your family, you might enjoy visiting our new??4Leaf Gear? store.?From the seaside village of Stonington, Connecticut ? Be well and have a great day.
?J. Morris Hicks?blogging daily at?
Dr. Welch in the Archives of Internal Medicine?and also in the?New England Journal Of Medicine
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J. Morris Hicks -- Member of the Board of Directors -- Click image to visit the foundation website.
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About jmorrishicks
Published author, daily blogger, frequent speaker and full-time activist, J. Morris Hicks is certified in plant-based nutrition by Cornell and the T. Colin Campbell Foundation. A former management consultant and senior corporate executive with Ralph Lauren in New York, he has always focused on the ?big picture? when analyzing any issue. In 2002, after becoming curious about our ?optimal diet,? he began a study of what we eat from a global perspective ---- discovering many startling issues and opportunities along the way. Leveraging his expertise in making complex things simple, he documented his findings in his powerful new book --- embarking on his next career as a writer, speaker and consultant; promoting health, hope and harmony on planet Earth.Source:
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